4 Think globally, act locally

Processes come in many varieties. Operations strategy states how processes turn the organization’s game plan into a reality. The design, improvement, and management of processes must ensure that they all work in harmony toward that end.

4.1 So you have a good strategy, but you have not won just yet

This 7 minutes video provides was prepared for the 30th anniversary celebrations of the executive MBA program.  It provides a quick overview of the importance and challenges of rigorous execution.

4.2 V2P model – a technical note

This explains how to use two templates to correlate positioning in the market, positioning in the labor market, shareholder value, operati.ons strategy, value propositions, service concept, job concepts, service standards, value adding processes, enabling processes and support processes, into a high level business model.   It is technical in the sense that gives detailed instructions about how to use these specific templates.

4.3 Business process outsourcing (BPO) – The evolving challenges and opportunities

Part 1 – Exploring the process space

Trends in outsourcing are anything but linear. The political, economic, social, environmental, and infra-structural landscape of developing countries is changing very fast. The pace of change in technological capabilities does not show any sign of slowing down either. Thus, the decision making process for outsourcing and offshoring business and knowledge processes must be reviewed regularly: what made sense five years make not make sense anymore today. This video takes a fresh look at the question and, based on a review of recent research, proposes conceptual models that can guide and support enlightened decision.

Outsourcing a process that you do not understand is abdicating. Outsourcing without strong process management capabilities is risky business.   Enterprise architecture maturity is a critical determinant of this capability. The process space is presented here along two important axes: knowledge embedded in the process and extent of customer contact involved.

Part 2 – Understanding the sourcing space

How far is it desirable to place each process? Distance here refer to ownership distance, physical distance, and cultural distance. Different risks grow with distance. While cost reductions may be immediately visible on the bottom line, risk is not, especially long term risk, such as loss of strategic nimbleness. We present here a global picture of these complex issues.
