ABOUT 2018-12-04T11:47:18+00:00


This web site is a free resource available to individuals and organizations of all kinds interested in improving the quality of complex services. It is produced by Jean Harvey. It contains videos and texts produced by the author. Please quote the author and web site when using the material.


Jean Harvey is a professor of operations management at the University of Quebec in Montreal (ESG-UQAM), where he was awarded the “high-performance” prize by the alumni associations (2004), and the Quebec Universities innovation prize (2007). In 2009 he won first prize in innovation in a competition involving 50 French speaking universities around the world. He also acts as management consultant and intervenes frequently in more than 10 countries. He is a lifetime member of the Production and Operations Management Society. He holds a Ph.D in business from Ivey Business School (University of Western Ontario). Harvey previously coauthored La Gestion des Services (The Management of Services), which won a PricewaterhouseCoopers award in 2000.

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